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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Energy Energy » Energy 4ever(新曲+精選) » Ra-Men Song

歌 手: Energy (Energy)

歌 曲: Ra-Men Song (專 輯:Energy 4ever(新曲+精選))

上傳會員: 月稀

日 期: 2004 - 1

歌 詞
作詞:Energy Rap Lyric:Terry Lee 作曲:Leong Wine/Tye Terence  編曲:

It started Friday late night out at a party shorty hottie new mesarati,
Burberry Air One, know you wear one hot in the Gucci skirt with your hair
done girl wanna smoochie flirt I!
I'ma have fun langkawi on a beach in the hot sun feel me,B,I!
I'm terry lee, out in Taipei with Energy
it's bottle poppin, model rockin, out in the Audi auto droppin finger snappin
hand all clappin back to front and your feet start tappin what you wanna
happen I'ma come through this kid known to make any dream come true,
any team can't do make it seem like who Terry/Energy what you want do

精心策劃的午夜Patry 全副武裝 準備就緒 看那群女孩辣到不行 全身Energy急需放電
染金髮長腿大眼妹 在舞池中央狂撒野 我靠在DJ台旁邊 目不轉睛流口水
感覺就快要充血 彈藥還是要準備 如果你經過我旁邊 我不會錯過這機會
Pretty的辣妹 Baby Sexy的辣妹 Baby Tell Me What's Your Name Baby
Crazy的辣妹 Baby Spicy的辣妹 Baby Tell Me What's Your Number Baby

Hold on I thought I saw you smile at me, looking for a while at me,
your style is me, who is wild as me you noddin, ma come and wild wit me,
for a while with me in the vip, get me to say it 我愛你 阿弟 and me
and Toro, b 坤達,書偉和牛奶,b
I'm Hollywood like supastar and if I could I could scoop you ma, I told you,
ma, ain't a party without me,
你怕什麼 from here on out it's ENERGY this point on with Terry Lee holla
ma its probably your man don't it properly.

喔~有些話難開口 只好用行動來表達 妳面帶微笑的說 這種感覺「So Sweet」
有一股致命香水味 吸入我的鼻腔內 無法抗拒的嫵媚 Enter限制級畫面
我就是不想說太多 但是我把妹不囉唆 Tell U What I Wanna Do 有獵物絕對不放過
怪幸福的拉麵 Baby Mini的拉麵 Baby Tell Me What's Your Flavor Baby
怪幸福的拉麵 Baby 幸福秘方的拉麵 Tell Me What's Your Level Baby

Pretty辣妹 sexy辣妹 hot up in herre crazy辣妹
would you let me slide up in here, ride up glide up high up in here
your eyes look like they glistening, b and if you wanna talk
I'm listening b listen b I'm chasin b arme christy poppin b
妳沒可能不愛我 我比妳的男朋友好的多 錢又多,「天才」也多 又不會覺得妳太囉唆
I'll give you more than you bargain for I'll fly you out to Singapore
this opportunity is knocking,(booty rocking, body poppin) girl,
your booty really knocking all up in here crazy rocking
you heard of us you know its us when we come through you hope it's us

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